
Creating a web-based news feed

August 25, 2023


  • Show a feed of recent news articles
  • Allow users to search for articles related to a specific topic


In today’s world it can be difficult to filter through the news to find things you’re interested in.

We want you to build an application or service that allows users to enter a news topic they want to hear about. The application provides them with recent news stories about that topic, and updates them on new stories as they’re released.

They could view these stories on a webpage, or receive updates through email or another channel (and unsubscribe if they wish). Perhaps they can filter the news sources they wish to receive updates from. You can decide how users receive these news stories, and what they can do with it.

You can choose which programming languages and/or frameworks to use based on your expertise and chosen approach. Our advice is to complete this task in a way which shows your strengths.

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Creating a web-based news feed

August 25, 2023
Estimated completion time:
Challenge in progress
All submissions will be viewable after the due date


In today’s world it can be difficult to filter through the news to find things you’re interested in.

We want you to build an application or service that allows users to enter a news topic they want to hear about. The application provides them with recent news stories about that topic, and updates them on new stories as they’re released.

They could view these stories on a webpage, or receive updates through email or another channel (and unsubscribe if they wish). Perhaps they can filter the news sources they wish to receive updates from. You can decide how users receive these news stories, and what they can do with it.

You can choose which programming languages and/or frameworks to use based on your expertise and chosen approach. Our advice is to complete this task in a way which shows your strengths.


  • Show a feed of recent news articles
  • Allow users to search for articles related to a specific topic

How to submit

Email your submission to

Your submission should have 3 parts:

  1. Your code
  2. An audioless screen recording of your solution in action
  3. A written summary of what you have created detailing:
  • What your solution is and what it does
  • How did you build your solution?
  • Why did you build it that way?
  • What would you do to improve or extend your solution

What happens after submission

You can submit your response to this challenge anytime before 
August 25, 2023
All responses will be graded and published to the platform a few days after the due date to be viewed by employers and other participants.