
Creating a web-based news feed

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July 23, 2023
Read challenge brief
Allow users to search for articles related to a specific topic
Show a feed of recent news articles

What I Built

Web application to help users filter news topics of interest.

Users can enter a topic, and the app will display recent news stories and update them on new releases.

How will I get news


  • 100 requests per day
  • Search all articles and get live top headlines
  • Articles available with 24 hour delay
  • Search articles up to a month old
  • CORS enabled for localhost

Choose programming languages and frameworks to showcase strengths.

  • Javascript, Next.js, tailwind css

How I Built It

I used javascript, Next.js, and tailwind css to create a simple web application.

run npm install
npm run dev
# create .env.local
# add NEWS_API_KEY="e236630228ab459187557d1033ef99b1" into .env.local

I implemented Next.js version 13.4 with an "app" directory and "serverActions." This allowed me to structure separate layouts for the client side and server side. To manage the response, I utilized the useState hook, which led me to create the "Body" component. For the initial state, I utilized serverActions from the main layout to call the API. Subsequently, when the client clicks the filter button, the server API will be triggered with the specified filter string parameter.

// @/components/body.tsx
"use client"; // declaration for using react hooks and more
import { useState } from "react";
// initNews is the initial API reaponse props from main Page.tsx
const [news, setNews] = useState<Article[] | null>(initNews); // @/services/getNews.ts
"use server"; // declaration for all of functions are using on server
import "server-only"; // safety check for serverActions

Why I Built It This Way

I had to build fullstack application because I cannot call news API from frontend with CORS issue. And Next.js is my ideal choice for the fullstack web applications with built-in routing, automatic code splitting, and CSS-in-JS support further streamline development, while a strong community and documentation provide valuable resources for building the web application.

What Would I Do Differently

I would like to implement lazy loading news contents. So, when client scroll the page, and it will show 10 by 10 or more pages. Also I want to add local storage hooks that can save search histories, favorite and more features.

Interactive demo

Recorded Demo

Challenge completed by:
Proactive and positive front-end developer with 3 years of experience in finance and security companies.
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