How it works

For founders and hiring managers
Hire pre-vetted developers and designers, endorsed by trusted professionals in the Australian tech industry

Post a job advertisement. Get candidates sent to you.

Tell us about the position you're hiring for

It only takes 1-2 minutes.

SkillsRobin shares the job with our community of trusted referrers

Our invite-only network of tech professionals leverage their personal networks to find the right person for you

Receive applications from quality, vetted tech talent

Only vetted job seekers recommended by our referrers are allowed to apply. No need to shift through 100s of resumes. We only send you candidates that are interview worthy.

Reach out to talent directly

Browse available talent

Filter and find job seekers best matched for your role

Reach out to promising candidates

Send a short message inviting them to talk about potential work opportunities

Hear back from interested job seekers

If they accept your invitation, we provide you with the job seekers' full name, resume and portfolio and help you to exchange contact information.


Using SkillsRobin is free
Connect with developers and designers for free
Only pay after your hire starts the job
You will receive an invoice for 50% of the fee when your hire starts the job. Only pay the other 50% if the candidate stays with you for 6 months.
30 day guarantee
Get a full refund if a candidate leaves or is dismissed from your company within 30 days of their start date, or before the end of their contract (whichever is shorter)
Competitive fixed prices
No surprise recruitment fees. Rates are transparently set below


50% Early stage startup discount
Startups which have raised less than $200,000 in funding and whose annual recurring revenue is under $1 million receive a 50% discount on all fees
Part-time & Casual roles*
when they start the job
If they make it to 6 months
Full-time roles
when they start the job
If they make it to 6 months
Entry level candidates**
when they start the job
If they make it to 6 months
*Part-time positions are those where the candidate is expected to work less than 35 hours a week or the employment contract ends within 30 days of the start date.

**Candidates are considered entry level if they have less than 1 year of full-time work experience in the profession. The same rate applies to full-time, part-time and casual roles.

Connect with designers and developers referred by industry professionals

Terms and conditions

If a company hires a job seeker sourced from SkillsRobin, payment for the job seeker will apply.

The amount is dependent on the time commitment of the job.

Fees are charged at the full-time rate, if the the job seeker is filling a role where they are expected to work 35 hours or more per week on an ongoing basis and the contract does not end within 30 days of the start date.

Fees are charged at the part-time, casual, freelance and short-term rate, if the job seeker is filling a role where they are expected to work less than 35 hours per week on an ongoing basis or the employment contract ends within 30 days of the start date.

In the event a job seeker transitions from a part-time, casual, freelance and/or short-term role to a full-time role within 40 days of starting work with the employer, the position will be charged at the full-time rate and an invoice for the difference issued.

Entry level candidates are charged at the same rate, whether it is for a full-time, part-time or casual role. A candidate is defined as entry level if they have less than 1 year of professional work experience in the field.

Referral fees are issued in two instalments. The first instalment is due when the job seeker commences work with the employer (the job start date). The second instalment is due once the job seeker has been employed with the company for 6 months. If the job seeker is dismissed or leaves the company within 6 months of starting employment, payment for the second instalment will be waived.

If a job seekers leaves or is dismissed by the employer within 30 days of commencing the job or before the end date of the contract (whichever is the shorter of the two), SkillsRobin will offer a refund  the employer.